Architecture by Renzo Piano in Vienna
Directly at the Belvedere Palace Garden in Vienna there are modern park apartments as well as a lifestyle – boutique – hotel with about 300 rooms. The total gross floor area of the 5 building complexes amounts to around 74,000 m², the building heights are between 50 and 60 m. The architecture comes from the pen of the architect Renzo Piano and is the only building project designed by him in Austria to date. Thomas Lorenz ZT GmbH was entrusted with the services of checking the static calculations according to OIB RL 1. Construction began in early 2016 and the handover took place in 2019.
Project Information:

Field of activity
Static-constructive processing
Test statics according to OIB 1, test engineer according to Viennese building regulations

2013 - 2018

SIGNA Holding

Construction costs