New psychiatry building at Salzburg University Hospital on track

New psychiatry building at Salzburg University Hospital on track

Several new buildings will be constructed on the Christian Doppler Clinic campus of Salzburg University Hospital in the coming years. Among other things, the aim is to improve psychiatric care. Thomas Lorenz is responsible for the new construction of acute psychological care and geriatric psychiatry. Here is an insight into the current status.
In 2022, the competition project by Habeler & Kirchweger Architekten was chosen as the winning project. The new building will house the psychiatric central outpatient clinic with admission ward, the gerontological psychiatric ward and the psychotherapy ward with day clinic in a modern and functional environment. A lot has happened since then. The old existing psychiatric ward has been completely demolished and the official submission for the new building is currently in progress. The tenders for the shell, envelope and technical building services are being finalized. On behalf of Habeler & Kirchweger Architekten ZT GmbH, Thomas Lorenz is responsible for coordinating the general planning, preparing the tender and structural planning. The state of Salzburg is investing a total of around 46.5 million euros in the expansion of psychiatric care at the Christian Doppler Clinic. Construction of the new psychiatry building is scheduled to begin in September 2024, with completion scheduled for early 2026.
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