New bridge support structure in just 1 week

New bridge support structure in just 1 week

On 4. and 5.6. the time had come and the new GKB bridge over the Schwarze Sulm in St. Peter im Sulmtal was lifted into place. Two days full of thrills for Thomas Lorenz ZT GmbH as planners and structural engineers.
The lift was carried out in 3 parts. The individual parts were delivered by special transport and then lifted into place using a rail crane. On the first day, the two approx. 20 m long main girder was lifted into place, followed by the lifting of the roadway slab on the second day. The line closure only lasted 1 week. On Mon. the 3.6. The existing structure weighing approx. 57 tons was excavated, and a week later trains were already running over the new bridge structure. To put it in the words of our employee and project manager Thomas Lechner: “It’s nice to see that planning over several years ultimately leads to a great building”. We would like to congratulate everyone involved on the smooth running of the event and thank them for their excellent cooperation!
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