Crowned participation in the 2024 Building Congress in Vienna

Crowned participation in the 2024 Building Congress in Vienna

We look back with pride on our participation in the Construction Congress 2024 at the Austria Center Vienna, where we were not only able to make a valuable contribution to the discussion about the future of the construction industry, but also received a prestigious award.
Once again, our office was among the 2,200 participants to experience the latest developments and trends in the industry and to exchange ideas with colleagues. We are particularly proud that our “Med Campus Graz Module II” project received the KOOP Award for cooperative construction management in the field of building construction. This success is also largely due to our colleague Manfred Grangl, who made a significant contribution with his team as the project manager for ÖBA. The award underlines our commitment to first-class construction quality. Among the many interesting specialist presentations on current topics such as sustainability, building information modeling (BIM) and partnership models in the construction industry, our Philipp Premm also contributed to the discussion on digital innovations in the construction industry as a co-presenter on the topic of “Road infrastructure projects in the digital transformation using the example of the general renovation of the A9 Edlach-Gaishorn”. Of course, our colleagues took part in the evening “Come Together”. In a relaxed atmosphere, participants were able to reflect on the events of the congress and gain new impetus for future projects. The Construction Congress 2024 was a complete success and showed that our industry is still strong and developing dynamically despite challenges such as political crises and economic uncertainties. We are proud to be part of these pioneering developments and look forward to further exciting projects and collaborations.
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