Disc golf workshop – team building at the end of the summer
The workshop started with a detailed introduction by Bernhard Freytag, the chairman of the Graz Discgolf Club. He explained the rules and showed us throwing techniques, which we were able to try out and use straight away.
We were then divided into smaller groups and started our first tournament. After evaluating the first results, the teams were reshuffled so that more experienced players were paired with less experienced participants. We then competed in teams of two for another exciting round.
It was an afternoon full of fun and sporting ambition and – for most of us – a great opportunity to get to know a new sport. We rounded off the action-packed day with pizza and an after-show drink in a relaxed atmosphere.
A big thank you to Bernhard Freytag for this successful afternoon and the wonderful idea of giving us this team building!
If you are interested, you can find all the information under this link: https://www.discgolfgraz.at/parcours/rosenhain/