Construction progress on the “Adaptation and extension of Biomedicine Hahnhof” project
The location of biomedical research at Med-Uni-Graz is being expanded. According to the specifications of the Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft, the Biomedical Research Hahnhof, located in the northeastern part of the LKH, will be rebuilt and expanded. A 5-story addition to the east of the existing building and an addition to the north are planned.
Essentially, various structural changes will be made to the interior, such as breakthroughs, enlargement of rooms, reorganization of the changing area and the like, to make the building more attractive to users.
Work is currently taking place on the exterior, and the underpinning of the existing building using DSV columns has already been completed. The excavation of the foundation pit is carried out using the pilgering method, whereby a section is excavated and simultaneously secured with a back-anchored shotcrete shell. Currently, the concreting of the clean layer and the shotcrete protection for the excavation pit are being completed.
The general ÖBA and the test statics are taken over by the team of Thomas Lorenz ZT GmbH for this project. Production during operation is particularly challenging.
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